Welcome to the practice of Relaxation Massage Le Corps S'éveille - France.
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Pause for a moment, breath in... Our body is our House For Life. We can replace our car or home, but we have our one and only body for the rest of our life. That is why our body deserves our attentiveness, deference and respect.
The abundance of perceptions within us is immeasurable. If you keep yourself healthy, you will notice that your body is really your ally.
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Ayurvedic, Balinese, Japanese, Chinese : Massage originated in the Orient where there is no boundary between body and mind.
Massage is the coronation of relaxation : A pleasant touch, a technique, personalised and mixed with a touch of creativity. Welcome to the world where creativity gains the centre stage.
At the same time, a massage is a wonderful present.
. . .Different types of massage are offered in the Practice Le Corps S'éveille : Relaxation, regaining and reviving strength, preservation of inner beauty, and the encouragement of fantasy. Creativity and massage technique intertwine resulting in the complete massage for the body and the spirit.
The massage pratice’s goal is to be Créateurs de bien-être, meaning the well-being of its clients is at its heart. That is why the Practice Le Corps S'éveille is the oasis of peace since 2011.
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The Practice Le Corps S’éveille is certified by the French Massage Organisation.
Respect and confidentiality is natural for us. Pillows and towels are offered to contribute to your relaxation.
In order to offer you the best service possible, you are welcome to contact us anytime for an appointment : +33 5 47 91 97 21. Calling within France : 05 47 91 97 21. Lending an ear, informing, being at your disposal for advice : These qualities distinguish the Practice Le Corps S’éveille.
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Accompany us in the journey to the world of massage
In Bedous (France, Nouvelle Aquitaine) you can experience massage in a practice which offers an elegant and relaxing ambience, for you to take time for yourself.
Here, everyone is welcome to take care of their inner relaxation. A place where the quality of feeling comfortable and relaxation massage as well as organic oil is highly valued.
Our homepage opens the door of our practice for the visitors, where the time passes slowly and the body is able to recover slowly.
Our motto is Respect. We have an open ear for you so that we can find for you the ideal relaxation massage.
A relaxation massage is also a wonderful present. With our gift voucher you can give your lovely ones a relaxation present.
The Practice Le Corps S’éveille in Bedous is the most suitable place for the body and mind harmony. It was founded by Erik Brissot, a practicing Masseur, certified training instructor of the French Organisation of the Relaxation Massage.
• High quality service by qualified Masseurs
• 100% organic care products
• Professional ethics based
on the respect of every individual
• Hosting, lending an ear and paying attention.
• Centre de bien-être agréé par la Fédération Française de Massages Bien-Être.
• Annuaire des 1 000 praticiennes et praticiens agréés en France : www.francemassage.org.
• 64490 Bedous, Vallée d'Aspe, au sud de Pau et Oloron-Sainte-Marie, Parc National des Pyrénées, Région Nouvelle Aquitaine.
Le Corps S’éveille : depuis 2011, les gastronomes en massages du monde ont leur Centre de
bien-être agréé.
Centre de bien-être situé à Bedous, en Vallée d’Aspe, Béarn, Pyrénées, département des
Pyrénées atlantiques, région Nouvelle Aquitaine.
Département des Pyrénées atlantiques : Accous, Anglet, Arette, Bayonne, Bedous, Biarritz,
Guéthary, Hendaye, Lacq, Lasseube, Larrau, Laruns, Mauléon-Licharre, Monein, Mourenx,Oloron-Sainte-Marie, Orthez, Pau, Saint-Étienne-de-Baïgorry, Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port, Saint-
Palais, Saint-Jean-de-Luz.
Autres villes situées à proximité du Centre de bien-être : Argelès-Gazost, Lourdes, Tarbes.
Cultivons un art de vivre dans les Pyrénées béarnaises, Pyrénées atlantiques, en Région
Nouvelle Aquitaine.
Centre de bien-être agréé par la Fédération Française de Massages Bien-Être (FFMBE).
Annuaire national des 1 000 praticiens agréés en France : www.ffmbe.fr.
Le guide des massages du monde : massage Lomi-Lomi, massage Pijat balinais, massage Shiatsu, massage Nuad Boran, massage suédois, massage aux pierres chaudes, relaxation coréenne, massage Ku Nyé, les points de Marma, massage Amma, massage Abhyanga, massage californien, réflexologie plantaire, massage Tui Na, massage Kobido, massage de la femme enceinte, massage Ayurvédique.. Informations sur les massages du monde avec ce lien.